Tarot Talks: World Tarot Day 2019 Experience

Truth be told I forgot this day even existed despite it saw its 16th annual celebration this year. Typically I refrain from global social media challenges such as Tarosophy Association’s High Intensity Tarot Training (HITT) workout challenge.

Using only the 22 major arcana draw a card at random and follow a task list that’s based on the card drawn. Once task is complete pick another card and so on. See full challenge here.

I managed to complete 3 tasks. Each time I picked a card I felt the double-edged sword; one side told me to keep it simple, the other side felt it needed to be a grandiose achievement. I opted for the K.I.S.S (keep it simple, stupid). Sharing to my social media I actually wondered whether anyone would consider my completed tasks a cop-out. Really? Thoughts can be strange and funny things.

Looking at the cards I drew throughout the day – Strength, The Magician, The Tower – as a reading onto itself makes a heck of alot of sense for me.

“I am stronger than I think. I have all the tools I need. Clear out the old to make room for the new.”

I have been shifting on an internal and external level, which is reflected in these cards. I am looking at Strength as taming the wild beast that lives in us all. To me this currently is reflected by all my old social programming. The mind and behaviour conditioning and patterns that, when left unchecked, can cause a host of problems for me including anxiety, unmet and unrealistic expectations, insecurities, and more.

Magician is the will to do so, creation, making it happen. This is the action that is backed by the Strength card. The actual *doing* and facing of the fears. I also see this as journaling; gratitude journal, bullet journal, and personal journal. These tools have allowed me to take greater control by crystallizing the abstract thoughts into an actionable course.

Tower is the shifting moments. I have metaphorically and literally been clearing out all that no longer serves me, all that no longer “sparks joy.” The paradigm shifts and “ah-ha!” moments that come with it are all happening through doing the work of examining my own thoughts and beliefs. In a physical sense my house appears to be in shambles as we declutter (hubby and I both reformed hoarders).

All-in-all today was a good experience with the HITT challenge and am pleased with outcome. Was a great reminder that I have been facing fears, seeing the magic in the world, and making room for the new.

Brightest blessings,

~☆~Phoenix Rose ~☆~

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